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GBDA 202: Interview Project

Interview Project : Jake

GBDA 202 - Digital Project 2 (Video Design)

Role: Director and Director of Photography (DOP)
Accomplished: Interview skills, video planning and execution, frame composition, video lighting

Team: Myself and 4 group members
Length: 1 month

The Goal

To use the skills we were learning in the GBDA 202 course in a practical application of an interview. Using the equipment provided to us, we had to find a subject, shoot and edit a complete interview to the time of 3 minutes.

The Process

1. Ideation / Planning

Had to find an area of interest that we could explore. We knew that Jake (a classmate) had been an advocate for concussion prevention due to his own numerous head injuries. After reaching out -as director- I planned the shoot, shotlist and the interview questions.

My contributions at this stage:
- connecting with the interviewee
- organizing team members into roles such as audio, interviewer, and two camera operators
- created an indepth pre-production document including a storyboard and shotlist
- created the interview questions

2. Shoot Day

On the day of the shoot I arrived an hour early to the shoot location to make sure everything was prepared and so I could begin setting up equipment.

My contribution at this stage:
- Assessing the shoot location once again on shoot day
- Welcoming the interviewee
- Preparing and Setting up the equipment

3. Editing

While the role of editing does not typically fall to the director for this project I took the lead of editing aswell. I coordinated the team into editing certain sections to break up the work so I could stitch it together and ensure the edits were consistent throughout.

My contribution at this stage:
- coordinating and distributing editing work to team members
- stitching together the final product
- ensuring editing consistency


You can watch the final product below or using the link to Youtube.

Watch on Youtube

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